Have you ever reached an orgasm?

Do you think you have reached an orgasm during sexual intercourse? If not, don’t worry!! Around 30-40 % of female are unable to do it (Farramola, Erice and Frías, 2011).

What is an orgasmic failure ? “Its refers to the inability to attain orgasm irrespective of the type of sexual stimulation employed” (Riley and Riley, 1978)

According to Kinsey et al., 1973 (in Riley and Riley, 1978), women were more able to reach an orgasm during masturbation than in sexual intercourse; in sump, such orgasm is strongly more intense than in sexual encounters (McGuire et al., 1965 in Riley and Riley, 1978). To change these findings Riley and Riley conducted an experiment which consisted on two treatment programmes.

1)Control group undergoing conventional therapy.

2)Experimental group undergoing a programme of directed masturbation.

Their results showed that the 90% of women with the second treatment were able to reach orgasm by the end of the study whereas the first treatment was effective just to the 53% of women by any means (sexual intercourse, using a vibrator).

Once again, we can see that knowing ourselves better help us not just regarding self-esteem or self-development, also it helps to enjoy more our bodies and relationships.


Riley, A., & Riley, E. (1978). A Controlled Study to Evaluate Directed Masturbation in the Management of Primary Orgasmic Failure in Women. British Journal of Psychiatry, 133(5), 404-409. doi:10.1192/bjp.133.5.404

Farramola, Erice and Frías (2011).Anorgasmia femenina como problema de salud. Revista cubana de investigaciones biomédicas, 30(3), 312-317.

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